Nickel and dimed discussion questions the religion teacher. The family book report nickel and dimed in this book nickel and dimed. Read it for the smoldering clarity of ehrenreichs perspective and for a rare view of how prosperity looks from the bottom. Nickel and dimed on not getting by in america by barbara ehrenreich henry holt and company, 2002 isbn 0805063897 240 pages is a business book summaries service. Monkeynotes online study guide book notes summary for. She believed that it was a cheap city to live in, which she was wrong for thinking such a thing since the city was such a tourist attraction. Nickel and dimed is a nonfiction work that can be described as an ethnography or investigative journalism.
Phd and respected writer decides to find out how the other twothirds live. On not getting by in america study guide contains a biography of author barbara ehrenreich, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. Litcharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in nickel and dimed, which you can use to track the themes throughout the work. The idea for nickel and dimed is hatched when barbara ehrenreich. Once again unc has selected a controversial book for its incoming freshman to read, according to a report in the july 11, 2003 edition of the chronicle of higher education che. Every week, it sends out to subscribers a 9 to 12page summary of a bestselling business.
Nickel and dimed on not getting by in america by barbara. Within american culture, it is common for those who enjoy such advantages. A father, two sons, and an unlikely road to manhood, 2008 offers this eloquent memoir as a letter to his teenage son, bearing witness to his own experiences and conveying passionate hopes for his sons life. Clevery subtitled how not to get by in america, the book is a chronicle of ehrenreichs adventures in survival as a member of the lowwage workforce that serves our meals, cleans our homes, and cares for our elderly. For schools who have assigned this book on the summer reading list or for an assignment during the year, consider integrating the nickel. She notes in a footnote that personality testing in the. Problem analysis paper karen mcnulty george mason university social work department nickel and dimed on not getting by in america has been a very wellwritten and heavily criticized book over the past decade or so.
Ehrenreich took an immersive approach to her research. The experiment took place in florida, maine, and minnesota, with the author finding a job and lodgings in each location. Atlantic senior writer coates the beautiful struggle. First we see that gaining employment at many of these entrylevel jobs is in no way 6 associated with intelligence. Jun 30, 2008 ehrenreich began nickel and dimed as an assignment for a magazine.
Shes often written about poverty, and at the moment the book opens, millions of americans are about to leave welfare as the 1996 welfare reform legislation kicks in. Free summary of nickel and dimed by barbara ehrenreich. Barbara ehrenreich is our premier reporter of the underside of capitalism. Ironically, unc administrators thought, as interim vice. Fourth quarter 2001 73 b barbara ehrenreich, pundit from the left and author of the bestselling nickel and dimed. Nickel and dimed is not only important but transformative in its insistence that we take a long hard look at the society we live in. Barbara ehrenreich tells the reader how the idea for this book came about. On not getting by in america by barbara ehrenreich. Supersummary, a modern alternative to sparknotes and cliffsnotes, offers highquality study guides that feature detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, quotes, and essay topics. For the purposes of this book, the wellknown essayist barbara ehrenreich chose to find out for herself how well a person can survive on nearminimum wage.
When one is charged a little bit at a time until the expense grows beyond expectations, that is called being nickel and dimed. Instantly acclaimed for its insight, humor, and passion, this book is changing the. Nickel and dimed introduction summary thebestnotes. May 08, 2001 nickel and dimed has been on my radar for years.
On not getting by in america, essayist and social critic barbara ehrenreich applies this notion to minimumwage workers. Ehrenreich began nickel and dimed as an assignment for a magazine. Starting in 1998, barbara ehrenreich spent several months working lowwage jobs in different cities around the united states in an attempt to experience what it was like to be one of america. On not getting by in america metropolitan books, is one of americas most reliable critics of the rich and power. Nickel and dimed reveals lowwage america in all its tenacity, anxiety, and surprising generositya land of big boxes, fast food, and a thousand desperate stratagems for survival. On not getting by in america by barbara ehrenreich, the author makes the case that all of american society pays a price for the plight of the working poor. It is not difficult to endorse nickel and dimed as a book that everyone who readsyes, everyone.
There is a common belief that poverty can be defeated with hard work and that the poor are simply too lazy to earn a better living. The events related in the book took place between spring 1998 and summer 2000. Study guide for nickel and dimed by barbara ehrenreichchapter. On not getting by in america study guide contains a biography of author barbara ehrenreich, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a. Get an answer for what is the authors purpose in nickel and dimed. May 08, 2001 the powerful story of a fathers past and a sons future. Clevery subtitled how not to get by in america, the book is a chronicle of ehrenreichs adventures in survival as a member of the lowwage workforce that serves our meals, cleans our homes, and cares for. For schools who have assigned this book on the summer reading list or for an assignment during the year, consider integrating the nickel and dimed discussion questions that are offered below. Its considered a modern classic in several disciplines, including journalism, sociology and economics. Aug 02, 2011 nickel and dimed reveals lowrent america in all its tenacity, anxiety, and surprising generosity a land of big boxes, fast food, and a thousand desperate stratagems for survival.
The powerful story of a fathers past and a sons future. Read free book excerpt from nickel and dimed by barbara ehrenreich, page 1 of 4. On not getting by in america, published in 2001 by barbara ehrenreich, is a book in which the author goes undercover and investigates the lives of the working poor by living and working in similar conditions. With the book nickel and dimed barbara ehrenreich, starts out her adventure in key west, florida where she is a waitress. Barbara moves to three different towns and lives as if she has no money and no experience. On not getting by in america by barbara ehrenreich is based on ehrenreichs ethnographic research on the tricks that people in lowwage jobs are able to survive in america off their income. On the steps of liberty plaza reading nickel and dimed. Essay nickel and dimed analysis 2333 words bartleby. I just finished reading barbara ehrenreichs nickel and dimed and it really opened my eyes. Mathematics in developmental math as well as in math 103, students might be asked to solve word problems based on data and situations drawn from the book. The idea of selfsufficiency is the cause of controversy for welfare programs. Ehrenreich tells the reader that she developed the idea for this book over an expensive lunch with the editor of harpers, lewis lapham. In 1998, journalist and social critic barbara ehrenreich spent a month at a time masquerading as a minimally funded, undereducated new arrival in three townskey west, minneapolis, and portland, maineto see if she could find housing, obtain a lowwage job, and make ends meet for a full cycle of rent and billpaying.
Barbara ehrenreich nickel and dimed chapter 2 summary. Ethnographies are based on fieldwork, in which the ethnographer collects data. Francise prose, o, the oprah magazine valuable and illuminating. Critique of nickel and dimed pennsylvania state university. Mar 26, 2012 with the book nickel and dimed barbara ehrenreich, starts out her adventure in key west, florida where she is a waitress.
Nickel and dimed opens with barbara ehrenreich, a writer and journalist from key west, florida, at a lunch with her editor discussing pitches and article ideas. On not getting by in america is a book written by barbara ehrenreich. In nickel and dimed, the concept of meritocracy is challenged in several ways by ehrenreich. Ethnography is a scholarly term for the anthropological study of human cultures. While barbara notes that her story is far from a typical case, she claims that it is in fact a. Nickel and dimed reveals lowrent america in all its tenacity, anxiety, and surprising generosity a land of big boxes, fast food, and a thousand desperate stratagems for survival.
Instantly acclaimed for its insight, humor, and passion, this book is changing the way america perceives its. A brilliant onthejob report from the dark side of the boom. Written from her perspective as an undercover journalist, it sets out to investigate the impact of the 1996 welfare reform act on the working poor in the united states. Working at various times in florida, maine, and minnesota, she took whatever work she was offered, and does stints as a waitress, a walmart associate, a housecleaner, and an aide in a. Complete study guide including character descriptions, study questions, chapter summaries, and more by. Ehrenreich wondered how unskilled workers survive on such meager incomes. What features of the finished book exemplify good journalism. The book nickel and dimed by barbara ehrenreich is about her experience as an undercover low wage worker. On not getting by in america, penned by radical leftist barbara ehrenreich. Heartland community college library 1500 west raab road, normal, il 61761. Barbara ehrenreichs nonfiction bestseller, nickel and dimed, is the story of an essay writer who went undercover as a low wage worker to find out how nonskilled workers make ends meet. Analysis of the book nickel and dimed on essay 2302 words 10 pages. Her observations and reflections have been compiled as nickel and dimed. On not getting by in america quotes barbara ehrenreich this study guide consists of approximately 62 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of nickel and dimed.
This onepage guide includes a plot summary and brief analysis of nickel and dimed by barbara ehlereich. On not getting by in america, journalist barbara ehrenreich conducted ethnographic research to study what its like to be a lowwage worker in the united states. Nickel and dimed book report america encourages the value of selfreliance to achieving ones goals and dreams. As her book project takes shape, she plans to spend a month in each of three placeskey west, portland, maine, and minneapolisintending to. Instantly acclaimed for its insight, humor, and passion, this book is changing the way america perceives its working poor. On not getting by in america, a book written by barbara ehrenreich. With deirdre english, she wrote two more books on health care and one. Ethnographies are based on fieldwork, in which the ethnographer collects data through firsthand experience. Nickel and dimed summary from litcharts the creators of. A popular book used in social justice courses is nickel and dimed. When barbara ehrenreich set out to write the book that would become nickel and dimed, her stated goal was pretty straightforward. On not getting by america by barbara ehrenreich 1726 words 7 pages. Read it for the smoldering clarity of ehrenreichs perspective and for a. Nickel and dimed is the revealing, compelling, and widely acclaimed result of that decisiona book that has already become a masterpiece of undercover reportage, and a portraitoftheworkingpoor classic that is showing up in classrooms throughout the nation.
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